testimonial image
06 Aug 2018


Hi Deb and Trish

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the lovely hamper that arrived on Friday.  After the stresses of the sale, the move of the business and other things that fell near the start of July – the contents of the hamper will be very much enjoyed.

I also wanted to say a (very belated admittedly) thank you for your endeavours which achieved the sale of Janett Street.  I was so impressed that even when the chips were down and it looked like the sale had fallen through – you powered on through convincing the purchaser to reconsider and achieved a sale for us!  This was a feat that few (if any) Agents would be able to effectively pull off.

I knew when we appointed you as Agent for the property that with the FNQ Power Pair we were in very good hands!  This proved very much the case.

Again thanks so much for everything – as the Cairns chapter closes for me (and thank goodness no disrespect to the region) I wish you every success for the future.


With my very best wishes to you both.



Neil Foster