12 Apr 2010

Abbott Street, Cairns City

Wendy and I would like to thank you for the help and assistance given to us in finding a suitable investment property in Cairns. Part of your cleverness was to listen to all of our requirements and find the best fit, which turned out to be something we hadn't envisioned at the outset. However, the apartment we selected with your help is the right choice and an excellent fit. Knowing your market as well as you do, based upon extensive experience makes our job and yours much easier. You were generous with your time and frank with your assessment. We really felt at all times you were there to look after us. I'm glad we met and would have no hesitation in recommending you to any of our friends or acquaintances who are looking to buy or sell in the Cairns area. Keep up the good work, and we hope we will catch up with you when we are next in town.

Brian & Wendy Welch